USACO Silver Register
Registration Open Ryan Miao and Samuel Tong @Zoom Oct 05, 2024 to Nov 23, 2024 Saturday 7 PM-8 PM PT
Ryan Miao and Samuel Tong
Oct 05, 2024 to Nov 23, 2024
Saturday 7 PM-8 PM PT


This eight-class course is designed to teach students concepts that appear frequently in the USACO as well as other major programming competitions. The difficulty of these concepts ranges from USACO Bronze to USACO Gold, and each class will have problems at various difficulty levels. Classes will consist of a lecture and problem-solving session, and we will assign homework as well as provide additional resources outside of class.


  1. Prefix sums
  2. Data structures: stack, queue, map, set etc
  3. Searching and Sorting: 2 pointers, binary search
  4. Disjoint set union
  5. Intro to graphs and graph algorithms
  6. DFS and BFS specifically
  7. Continuation on graphs
  8. Shortest path algorithms