USACO Finalists Zoom Link
@Zoom Sep 24, 2022 2 PM-3 PM PT 210 attendees
Sep 24, 2022
2 PM-3 PM PT
Zoom Link

Joe Li, Bobby Costin, Allen Wu, and Austin Geng.

We will be organizing a speaker event on Saturday, September 24th with four USACO finalists: Joe Li (Harker ‘24), Bobby Costin (Harker ‘24), Allen Wu (Newport ‘25), and Austin Geng (Benjamin Franklin ‘24). They will be joining from 2-3 PM PST on Zoom, where they will talk about their competitive programming journey, share what resources they used for each division, and answer questions during a Q&A session. Please fill out this form ( if you are interested in joining. We'll send out a Zoom link to those who complete the form.